Women in STEM: an Approach From Student’s Vocations Through an Environmental Education Program





Gender perspective, Environmental education, environmental programs, STEM


This study analyzes the importance of including a gender perspective in environmental education programs, especially in Latin America. It starts from the notion that there is a significant STEM gap related to women’s participation in climate and environmental sciences in general. Based on a systematic review of specialized literature, the STEM gap is documented and a broad state of the art on environmental educommunication programs is presented. Then, an analysis of 20 environmental education web programs in 18 Latin American countries is carried out to determine whether their objectives, contents, resources, or human resources make a gender approach visible. Finally, the gender approach developed by the LemonSea Ecuador project is explained. The conclusions point out that the environmental issue requires gender approaches that promote and motivate the massive incorporation of women into scientific studies on climate science due to its importance in this global climate emergency.


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How to Cite

Henríquez Coronel , P. M., Cobeña Encalada , G. J., & Andrade Marcillo, J. N. (2024). Women in STEM: an Approach From Student’s Vocations Through an Environmental Education Program. República Y Derecho, 10(10), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.100.029