Bases for applying the iter criminis notion in the Ecuadorian Environmental Criminal Law




Iter criminis, Crime law, Environment, Prevention, Ecuador


We analyzed the applicability of iter criminis. in the Ecuadorian environmental criminal legal framework, comparing doctrine and norms. We concluded that the irreparability of ecosystems notion and the preventive approach in criminology can create bases for criminal science in the matter. This formula is visible in the Constitution and in the Organic Code of the Environment, which makes its application pertinent. From a doctrinal point of view, the notion of guilt in the Integral Penal Code and the constitutional notion of nature as a subject of rights, also grant a normative specificity favorable to the inclusion of iter criminis.. We resolved the doctrinal antinomy about not penalizing unperformed behaviors, with an interpretation about the subsidiarity of other crimes during the iter criminis.


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How to Cite

Castro Aniyar, D., & Aguirre Moreira, A. N. (2024). Bases for applying the iter criminis notion in the Ecuadorian Environmental Criminal Law. República Y Derecho, 10(10), 1–16.