Res judicata and the structure of the process. An approach to the perspective of Efraín Quevedo Mendoza



In this paper we propose to provide an approximation to the relationship between the categories of res judicata, procedural structure and effectiveness of the process, in the view of Efraín Quevedo Mendoza.

Author Biography

Nicolás Sosa Baccarelli, Universidad de Mendoza (Argentina) / Universidad de Congreso (Argentina)

Lawyer (National University of Cuyo), Professor of Legal Epistemology (University of Congreso), Professor of Criminology (University of Mendoza). He is a journalist, mainly on cultural issues, in various media outlets. Author of numerous legal and journalistic publications, in the country and abroad.


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How to Cite

Sosa Baccarelli, N. (2024). Res judicata and the structure of the process. An approach to the perspective of Efraín Quevedo Mendoza. República Y Derecho, 10(10), 1–14. Retrieved from