International Agreements Entered Into by Subnational Entities of Argentina and Spain. Characterization from a Dual Analysis Mapping of Regulations on Child Nutrition in Argentina




The purpose of this paper is to delve into the intricate legal regulation of the external action of the Argentinian provinces and the Spanish autonomous communities. The proposed analysis is relevant as it uncovers the complexities of how sub–state entities are becoming increasingly prominent in the international scenario. However, this complexity often hinders the translation of their actions into effective regulation in International Law. This action is intensely studied in the field of international relations and one of the terms used to describe this phenomenon is paradiplomacy. From the conclusions, it will be noticed that, in spite of the differences in the regulations of both States, they have basic legislation that should be valued. In the absence of applicable norms in the field of Public International Law, recourse must be had to the provisions of each country’s domestic law.

Author Biography

Anabela Cibele Villach Vaquer, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)

Lawyer from the Faculty of Law of the National University of Cuyo. Expert in the Application of International Law in Comparative Perspective (Autonomous University of Madrid and University of Mendoza, 2021–2022). Specialist in Constitutional Law (Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, 2015–2019). Master's degree in Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of South Florida (in progress since August 2023). PhD candidate in Legal and Social Sciences at the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the University of Mendoza.


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How to Cite

Villach Vaquer, A. C. (2024). International Agreements Entered Into by Subnational Entities of Argentina and Spain. Characterization from a Dual Analysis Mapping of Regulations on Child Nutrition in Argentina. República Y Derecho, 10(10), 1–31.