Hannah Arendt, Freedom as a “worldly fact”
Hannah Arendt, Freedom, Politics, Human ActionAbstract
This article examines the category of freedom in Hannah Arendt. She argues that political freedom differs from the traditional philosophical approach: freedom is a quality of the will, by which it determines itself in the face of finite goods. Likewise, she discerns between political freedom and negative freedoms, guarantees or franchises. The first is the capacity for action, the second, a control strategies. Arendt holds that political freedom is not an internalized phenomenon but a wordly fact. That is, a visible and audible event, worthy of praise or censure, deserving of memory and recollection. Consequently, the synthesis: action, performance and freedom is worth examining to rigorously understand his notion of freedom. As Arendt suggests, wordly freedom is compatible with the Machiavellian concept of virtù, associated with the glory of public action.
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