Constant and the autonomy of the political




Carl Schmitt, Benjamin Constant, Political Liberalism


This paper attempts to show that in spite of what Schmitt holds in The concept of the political, Constant suscribes to a significant extent the thesis of the autonomy of the political, in that Constant rejects the moralization of the political, viz. the combination of anarchism, cosmopolitanism, and pacifism. Thus, this paper attempts to show why Constant stands for a true political liberalism.

Author Biography

Andrés Rosler, Universidad de Buenos Aires – CONICET (Argentina)

Lawyer, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (UBA), master in Political Science (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences Flacso) and doctor in Law, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Professor of Philosophy of Law (UBA) and researcher at the National Council of Science and Technology Conicet, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Rosler, A. (2023). Constant and the autonomy of the political. República Y Derecho, 9(9), 1–23.