Democratic deconsolidation and erosion in the 21st century.Reflections from The law as a conversation among equals of Roberto Gargarella



Political science, Democratic deconsolidation, Democratic pluralism, Political philosophy, Democratic erosion


In this paper we intend to complete three specific and argumentative objectives. First, to reconstruct the new theorizations about democratic deconsolidation developed from a pluralist conception of democracy by diverse and prominent political scientists. Secondly, to present the recent philosophical–political conceptualizations made by R. Gargarella on the complex political phenomenon of democratic erosion. Thirdly, to make explicit certain exploratory hypotheses after observing this phenomenon corrupting the politics, which is coherent and consistent with a) an interdisciplinary approach to the politics, combining descriptive and normative presuppositions; as well as b) a reflexive republican conception of democracy, which promotes reflexivity, reciprocity and non–domination, as evaluative normative standards. These three constitute an evaluative normative criterion of greater explanatory capacity and transformative potentiality than those emerging from a pluralist conception of democracy

Author Biography

Nicolás Emanuel Olivares, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa (Argentina).

bogado, 2009, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina); Profesor Universitario, 2011, Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Argentina); Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, 2017, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina); Magister en Derecho y Argumentación Jurídica, 2017, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina). Becario Doctoral CONICET–UNC (2012–2017), Becario Posdoctoral CONICET–IEHSOLP (2017–2019), Becario Posdoctoral CONICET–UdG (2019–2021), Investigador Asistente CONICET–IEHSOLP (2021). Profesor en Derecho Constitucional y Profesor en Historia de las Instituciones, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa (Argentina). 



How to Cite

Olivares, N. E. (2022). Democratic deconsolidation and erosion in the 21st century.Reflections from The law as a conversation among equals of Roberto Gargarella. República Y Derecho, 7(7), 1–25. Retrieved from