Human rights, time and constitution in Brazil (1988–2018)



Human rights, National Constitution, Constitutional Identity, Time, Brazil


The essay contained in this text has as its background the problematisation of the Constitution within this ambivalent relationship that mediates the system of politics and the system of law, which must always be open to the force of time. The practical result of these discussions can be observed from specific questions, but of profound impact: what is our constitutional identity? Does an identity forged on the baton of human rights remain on the effects of time until when? The difficult constitutional choices occur in the family environment, in the church, at school and university, in the legislature, in the judiciary and, finally, everywhere. This essay seeks to present alternatives and reflections on the Constitution and the normative force of time in the face of human rights, from a bibliographic and philosophical dialogue that marks our time. 

Author Biography

Rafael Lamera Giesta Cabral, Universidad Federal Rural del Semi–Árido (UFERSA)

Doctor en Derecho, Estado y Constitución por la Universidad de Brasilia – UnB (2016). Magíster en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar (2010) y Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Estatal de Mato Grosso do Sul – UEMS (2007). Actualmente es profesor adjunto en Derecho, en el Programa de Posgrado en Derecho Stricto Sensu (Maestría Académica) y en el Programa de Posgrado en Administración Pública (Maestría Profesional PROFIAP) de la Universidad Federal Rural del Semi–Árido (UFERSA). Es miembro del Instituto Brasileño de Historia del Derecho – IBHD. Es Redactor Jefe de la Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Federal Rural del Semiárido – REJUR.



How to Cite

Lamera Giesta Cabral, R. (2022). Human rights, time and constitution in Brazil (1988–2018). República Y Derecho, 7(7), 1–20. Retrieved from