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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author(s), as a sworn statement, affirm that the contents sent are ORIGINAL research results, WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN PUBLISHED PREVIOUSLY, NOR HAVE BEEN POSTULATED TO ANOTHER PUBLICATION SIMULTANEOUSLY. The person/s linked to these contents as AUTHORS are considered signatories of this declaration.
  • The AUTHORS retain the moral rights of their works but authorize their reproduction by:

    Licencia CreativeCommons (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 AR) 

Author Guidelines


 Projects Selection system

I. Project selection system

 The projects which correspond to the proposed theme of publication and gather the established requirements according to the Editorial Committee of the Journal would be sent to the Evaluators´ Committee, specialists on the subjects, who will evaluate them. If both evaluators approve the project, it will be included on the publication plan. If the evaluators differ, a third evaluator will be asked to interfere.

II. Type of Publications


We receive unpublished articles in English and Spanish which may contribute to legal science. Articles which comply with the requirements of this journal will be evaluated by two external evaluators, experts on the subject. Articles must have at least 5.000 words and a maximum of 10.000 words (without notes or bibliographic quotes). It will be specially appreciated the contributions of authors external to our editorial entity.


We receive unpublished studies about books, articles, legislation or jurisprudence. They should have a maximum wording of 4.999. Unlike the articles section, notes would be reviewed by the Editorial Committee only, and the decision of publication would lie on the Board. Notes would not have abstract, key words nor documental index.

-Bibliographic reviews

We receive reviews on new legal books not older than 2 years. These reviews should have a maximum of 2.000 words. They would be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and the decision of publication would lie on the Board. Book reviews would not have abstract nor key words.

 -Miscellaneous Publications

 This section gathers studies from different nature, related to the institutional organization of the Journal, events or others. This content is defined by the Editorial Committee.


We publish translations of articles or studies about legal science. Translations are in English and Spanish, eventually other languages could be translated as well. The projects are selected by the Editorial Committee of the Journal RYD. They should have a maximum of 10.000 words, and they should have the corresponding legal authorization to be published.

 -Articles gathered in a Dossier

 In the Dossier section, we periodically publish original articles related to a particular topic. This section has the same rules as the Articles´section.

III. Guidelines to the presentation of Articles

Articles will be evaluated on the compliance of these following standards:

They should be unpublished

- They should include title, abstract, and key words in Spanish and in English as well, and they should follow the quotation norms this journal observes.

- Authors should provide their ORCID identifier as a requirement to begin the process of evaluation. If you do not have an identifier, you can register in

- Authors should attach a brief Curriculum including their institutional affiliation and their e-mail to be published together with the article, in case it is approved.

- The article can not be sent to be evaluated by other editorials during the selection process.

- Articles should have at least 5.000 words minimum and 10.000 words maximum (without notes and quotes.) The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept exceptions regarding the length of the projects.


1. Title

Each article should have its title in Spanish and in English as well.

2. Abstract

Each article will be accompanied by an abstract in Spanish and its translation into English (maximum 150 words). The abstract is a brief description of the content of the article, mentioning only the central idea and the main topics. It must be brief and clear, avoiding repetition.

3. Key Words

There are 5 words needed to accurately define the theme of the article. It can be a term or a describing concept, and they should be separated by semicolons.

4. Bibliographic and Documental Index

The index of the used documentation will be at the bottom of the study. The bibliographic index will be organized alphabetically, following the format of quotes in the footnotes.

IV. Rules for quotation and bibliographic references. (ISO 690)

The works sent to the Editorial should have the bibliographic references according to ISO Norms 690 and 690-2, adjusted for this Journal.

1. Book

LAST NAME (s) Name. Title of the book. Secondary role (translator, prologue´s writer, illustrator, coordinator, etc) N° of edition. Place of edition: editorial, year of edition. N° of pages, Series, Notes.


BOBBIO, Norberto. Autobiografía. Papuzzi, Alberto (lit. ed.); Peces-Barba, Gregorio (prol.); Benitez, Esther (transl.) Madrid: Taurus, 1988. 299p.

2. Book parts

LAST NAME(s), Name. “Title of the part” In: Role on the complete work. Title of the work. Edition. Place of edition: editorial, year of edition. Pages of the part in the complete work.


SNAVELY, B.B. “Continuous – Wave Dye Lasers I”. In SCHÄFER, F.P. (ed) Dye Lasers. Berlin: Springer. 1990. P.91-120

TEROL ESTEBAN, Alberto. “El nuevo modelo de financiación automática: una aproximación desde el punto de vista del empresario – contribuyente.” Dins: XX Aniversario del Círculo de Empresarios, 20 temas para el futuro. Madrid: Círculo de Empresarios, 1997. p. 85-92

3. Serialized Publication

Title of the publication in italics. Role. Edition. Identification of the fascicle. Place of edition: editorial, date of the first volume - date of the last volume. Series. Notes.


Boletín económico. Banco de España. 1998, number 1. Madrid : Banco de España, Service of publications, 1979.

IEEE Transactions on computers. IEEE Computer Society. 1998, vol 47. Los Alamitos (Ca): IEEE Computer Society, 1988.

4. Articles of a Serialized Publication

LAST NAME(s), Name. “Title of the article”. Secondary Role. Title of the serialized publication. Edition. Localization on the Source document: year, number, pages.


LLOSA, Josep, et al. “Modulo scheduling with reduced register pressure”. IEEE Transactions on computers. 1998, vol 47, number 6, p. 625-638.

ALVARES, Borgoña; BALLINA, F. Javier de la; VÁZQUEZ, Rodolfo. “La reacción del consumidor ante las promociones”. MK Marketing + Ventas N° 143 (January 2000) p. 33 – 37

5. Legislation

 País. Titulo. Publicación, date of publication, number, pages.


España. Ley orgánica 10/1995, November 23rd, Penal Code. Boletín Oficial del Estado. November 24th of 1995, number. 281, p 33987.

6. Patents

MENTION OF PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY. Naming of the patented element. Subordinated role. Notes. Identifier of the document (country or office in which it is registered) Type of document of the patent. Number. Year – month – day of the publication of the document.

7. Norms

ENTITY RESPONSIBLE OF THE NORM. Title. Number or code of the norm. Edition. Place of publication: editorial, year of publication.


AENOR. Gestión de la I+D+I UNE 166000 EX, UNE 166002 EX. Madrid: AENOR, 2002.

8. Conventions 

Conventions are quoted as a monograph.

LAST NAME (s), Name. Title. Secondary roles. Number of publication. Place: editorial, year of publication. Number of pages or volumes.


Actas del I Congreso de Historia de Lengua Española en América y España: noviembre 1994 – febrero 1995. M. Teresa Echenique, Milagros Aleza and M. José Martínez (ed) Valencia : Universitat, Department of Spanish Philology, 1995. 564p. 

9. Presentations in Conventions

They are quoted as part of a monograph.

LAST NAME(s), Name. “Title of the part” In: LAST NAME(s), Name. Title of the complete work. Secondary roles. Number of publication. Place of edition: editorial, year of publication. Series


CEREZO GALÁN, Pedro. “La antropología del espíritu de Juan de la Cruz” In: Acts of the International Convention Sanjuanista, (Ávila September 23rd -28th of 1991), v. III. [S.I.]: [s.n.], 1991 P. 128 – 154

10. Unpublished Thesis

LAST NAME(s), Name. “Title of the thesis”. Director. Type of thesis. [Type of document]. Academic Institution in which it is applied, place, year.


LASCURAIN SÁNCHEZ, María Luisa. “Análisis de la actividad científica y del consumo de información de psicólogos españoles del ámbito universitario durante el período 1986 – 1995.” Director: Elias Sanz Casado. Universidad Carlos III from Madrid, Department of library and documentation, 2001.

11. Reports

Published reports

LAST NAME(s), Name. Title of the report. Place of publication: editorial, year. Series, number of series. (Availability)


1999 Informe de Mercado de Trabajo. [Guadalajara]Dirección Provincial del Instituto Nacional de Empleo de Guadalajara, 2000. 155 p

Unpublished reports

LAST NAME(s), Name. “Title of the report”. Unpublished report. Authority which produces it, year.


GUIRADO ROMERO, Nuria. Proyecto de conservación y recuperación de una especie amenazada, Testudo graeca, a partir de las poblaciones relictas del sureste español. Unpublished report.  Almeria: [s.n.], 1988. 115 p. Technical report, General Direction of Environment.

12. Audiovisual Documents


LAST NAME(s), Name. Title. [Specific designation of the type of document.] Place: editorial, year.


WAGNER, Richard. El drama musical wagneriano. [Sound recording]. Barcelona: CYC, 1998.

BARDEM, Juan Antonio. Calle Mayor. [Video]. Madrid : Paramount Pictures : El Mundo , [2002]. 1 compact disk.

Radio program and broadcasting:

Name of the program: Management. Issuing entity, date of broadcast.


Jorge Luis Borges. Director and presenter: Joaquín Soler Serrano. RTVE, 1980. Videoteca de la memoria literaria ; 1

Graphic materials:

LAST NAME(s), Name. Title. [Specific designation of the type of document.] Place: editorial, year.


BALLESTEROS, Ernesto. Arquitectura contemporánea. [Slide projector´s graphic material]. 2a ed. Madrid : Hiares , [1980]. 32 slides. Spanish Art History; 57.

13. Digital documents

Digital documents are created, recorded and distributed in electronic form. They may or may not be definitive regarding the content or the format.

ISO 690-2 Norms specify the elements which shall be included on the bibliographic quotes of the digital documents. They also specify the order of the elements of the references. Furthermore, they establish certain rules for transcriptions and presentations with information based on digital documents.

Source information will be obtained from the original document which must be available. Date of consultation to online documents is essential. Accepted formats are: [online], [CD-ROM], [magnetic stripe], and [diskette]. The specifications to bibliographic references on digital documentation are overall the same as in printed documentation.

14. Digital texts, databases, and Informatic programs

Main role, Title [type of format]. Secondary roles. Edition. Place of publication: editor, date of publication, date of revision or update, [date of consultation] Physical description. (Compilation). Notes. Availability and access. Standardized number.

Examples (norms: ISO 690-2):

CARROLL, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [online]. Texinfo ed. 2.1. [Dortmund, Germany]: WindSpiel, November 1994 [ref. february 10th 1995]. Available on: <>. Available as well in versions: PostScrip y ASCII on Internet: <>

U.S. ISBN Agency. The Digital World and the Ongoing Development of ISBN [online]. New Providence, N.J.: RR Bowker, s.d. [ref. August 16th 2002]. Available on:>.

Other: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Catálogo [online]: de la biblioteca. <> [Consult: April 21st 1999]

15. Parts of digital texts, databases and Informatic programs

Main role (Main text). Title [Type of format] Secondary Role (of the main text) Edition. Place of publication: editor, date of publication, date of revision or update [date of consultation] “Name of the part or chapter. Title of the Part” Number or localization of the part in the main document. Notes. Availability and access. Standardized number.

Example (norms: ISO 690-2)

CARROLL, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [online]. Texinfo. ed. 2.2. [Dortmund, Alemania]: WindSpiel, November 1994 [ref. March 3oth 1995]. Chapter VII. A Mad Tea-Party. Available on World Wide Web: <>. 

16 Contributions to digital texts, databases and Informatic programs

Parts of the document which are independent from the other global document where they belong. 

Main role (of the Contribution) “Title” [Type of format] In: Main role (main document). Title Edition. Place of publication: editor, date of publication, date of revision or update [date of consultation] Number or localization of the contribution in the main document. Notes Availability and access. Standardized number.

Examples (Norms: ISO 690-2):

Political and Religious Leaders Support Palestinian Sovereignty Over Jerusalem. IN Eye on the Negotiations [online]. Palestine Liberation Organization, Negotiations Affairs Department, 29 August 2000 [ref. August 15th 2002]. Available on: < jerus.html>.

Belle de Jour. Magill's Survey of Cinema [online]. Pasadena (Calif.): Salem Press, 1985- [ref. de 1994-08-04]. Accession no. 0050053. Available on: DIALOG Information Services, Palo Alto (Calif.).

MCCONNELL, WH. Constitutional History. The Canadian Encyclopedia [CD-ROM]. Macintosh version 1.1. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1993.

17. Complete Serialized Digital Publications

Main role “Title” [Type of format] Edition. Name of the numbers (date and/or number) Place of publication: editor, date of publication [date of consultation] Physical description. (Compilation) Notes. Availability and access. Standardized number.

Examples (Norms: ISO 690-2):

Journal of Technology Education [online]. Blacksburg (Virginie): Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1989- [refMarch 15th 1995]. Semiannual. Available on: <gopher://>.

Profile Canada [CD-ROM]. Toronto: Micromedia, 1993- . The Canadian Connection. Accompanied by: User's guide. Compatible format: IBM PC ó compatible; lector CD-ROM MPC Standard; DOS 3.30 or more; 490 kB RAM; MS-DOS Extension 2.1 or more. Quarterly.

18. Articles and Contributions on Serialized Digital Publications

Main role (of the Article) “Title” (of the Article) Title (of the main publication) [Type of format] Edition. Name of the numbers of the part. Date of revision or update [date of consultation] Localization of the part in the main document. Notes. Availability and access. Standardized number.

Examples (Norms: ISO 690-2):

STONE, Nan. The Globalization of Europe. Harvard Business Review [online]. May-June 1989 [ref. September 3rd 1990]. Available on BRS Information Technologies, McLean (Virginie).

PRICE-WILKIN, John. Using the World-Wide Web to Deliver Complex Electronic Documents: Implications for Libraries. The Public-Access Computer Systems Review [online]. 1994, vol. 5, no. 3 [ref. de 1994-07-28], pp. 5-21. Available on:


Others: CUERDA, José Luis. "Para abrir los ojos" [online]. El País Digital. May 9th 1997 no 371. [consult: May 9th 1997]

19. Newsletters and Discussion Lists

Title [type of format]. Secondary role. Place of publication: editor, date of publication [Date of consultation] Notes. Availability and access.

Examples (Norms: ISO 690-2):

PACS-L (Public Access Computer Systems Forum) [online]. Houston (Tex.): University of Houston Libraries, Junio 1989- [ref. may 17th 1995]. Available on: <>.

20. Digital Messages

They can be distributed by lists or newsletters:

Responsible for the message. “Title of the message” [Type of format]. In: Title (of the Newsletter or List) Number or localization of the message [date of consultation]. Notes. Availability and access.

Ejemplo (norms: ISO 690-2):

PARKER, Elliott. "Re: Citing Electronic Journals". En: PACS-L (Public Access Computer Systems Forum) [online]. Houston (Tex.) : University of Houston Libraries, 24 November 1989; 13:29:35 CST [cited january 1st 1995;16:15 EST]. Available on: <telnet://>. 

Personal digital messages:

Responsible for the message. “Title of the Message” [Type of format] Date of the message. Note with the type of message.

Ejemplo (norms: ISO 690-2)

Thacker, Jane. "MPEG-21 project stream on digital item identification" [online]. Message in: <>. 3 octubre 2000; 13:33 EST [ref. October 6th 2000; 13:10 EST]. Message-ID: <002f01c02d60$051a64a0$22a2580c@vaio>. Personal communication. 

21. Jurisprudence

When quoting international or internal jurisprudence it should follow the forms required by each court, including the year in which it was issued.


Corte I.D.H., Sentencia Velásquez Rodríguez, July 29th 1988, Series C, Nº 4.

CNCiv. y Com. Fed., Room 2, “Salvo Aragón c/ Artear”, S.A. Canal 13, E.D. 177-420 (1998).

22. Footnotes quoting

Idem (the same): it is used when the same document is quoted consecutively and the quoted text appears in the same page (in this case, page 1 of the consulted document) that the one quoted before.

Ibídem (Ibid means there): it is used when the same document is quoted consecutively, but the content quoted appears in a different page. This abbreviation is similar to idem, only that in the following quote the abbreviation will be indicated and the page number.

Op cit (quoted document) It is used not to repeat the same data of a bibliographic source that was mentioned before and between the previous quote and the current one, there were other quoted authors. Op cit is used to quote an author previously quoted, but in another page. That is, it is the same quote but differs only by page number. The following data should be indicated as follows: (Last name, name, Op cit and pages numbers with the letter p.)


Unpublished investigations are received in English and Spanish, they should significantly contribute to legal science. Once the formal requirements of this journal are complied, the articles are evaluated by two external reviewers, experts on the subject. The articles should have at least 5.000 words and 10.000 words maximum (without notes and bibliographic references.) We value the contributions from authors external to the editorial entity.


We receive unpublished studies about books, articles, legislation or jurisprudence. They should have a maximum wording of 4.999. Unlike the articles´section, notes would be reviewed by the Editorial Committee only, and the decision of publication would lie on the Board. Notes would not have an abstract, key words nor documental index.

Bibliographic reviews

We receive reviews on new legal books (not older than 2 years old). These reviews should have a maximum of 2.000 words. They would be reviewed by the Editorial Committee, and the decision of publication would lie on the Board. Book reviews would not have an abstract nor keywords.

Miscellaneous Publications

This section gathers studies from different nature, related to the institutional organization of the Journal, events or others. This content is defined by the Editorial Committee.


Translations of articles or studies regarding legal science would be in English and Spanish. Eventually, other languages could be translated as well. The works are selected by the Editorial Committee of the Journal RYD. They should have a maximum of 10.000 words, and they should have the corresponding legal authorization to be published.


In the Dossier section, we periodically publish original articles related to a particular topic. This section has the same rules as the section Articles.

Dosier 2019/1

It was published during 2019, in book format and registered under ISBN. It is a collective work gathering articles about court sentences – enforcement from the Interamerican Human Rights Court, coordinated by Laura Alicia Camarillo Govea and Andrés Rousset Siri.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this magazine and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.